10 research outputs found

    Prediction of transient head on seepage path using Boundary Fitted Coordinate (BFC) system

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    One of the main causes of levee failure is seepage through levee. This seepage can cause weakening in the levee structure, which in turn can cause sudden levee failure or overtopping of the levee due to levee depression. The purpose of this study is to determine the transient head on the seepage path due to changing water level during flood period. Transient seepage problems are very important as critical condition can occur during this time rather than during steady state condition. Seepage path through a levee can be predicted using the Boundary Fitted Coordinate (BFC) system method. The physical coordinate system is transformed into computational curvilinear coordinate system by using this method. One advantage of using this method is the grid generated can fit itself into the boundary of the system. The model developed is tested on a steady state rectangular dam for verification by comparing it with the analytical solutions. The model is then implemented on an unsteady state problem to determine the location of free surface and seepage face for several time steps until steady state is reached

    Spatial and temporal estimation of pumping and recharge in groundwater system analysis

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    In many parts of the U.S., groundwater is used as the primary or secondary source of water for the public supply, agricultural, and industrial sectors. In southwestern Louisiana, a majority of the water demand is supplied by the Chicot aquifer. Numerical flow models are useful for managing and optimizing groundwater systems. However, many important model parameters are difficult to quantify, exhibit a certain degree of uncertainty, and may vary both spatially and temporally. Two of the most important and sensitive parameters for a regional groundwater model of the Chicot aquifer are pumping rates and recharge. The use of GIS-based methods for calculating these properties provide spatially-specific results, allow flexibility for incorporating various processes and input parameters, and are independent of groundwater model resolution. In the Chicot aquifer system, agricultural pumping accounts for a majority of the groundwater demand. The irrigation water requirement is a function of the crop type, crop development, soil properties, and rainfall; all of which vary in space and time. A portion of this dissertation work is directed at the development of a GIS-based method for estimating irrigation demand that incorporates these hydrological processes and agricultural properties. Results show that the technique is able to capture the spatial and temporal variability in agricultural water demand in southwestern Louisiana over an 11 year time period. The second part of this dissertation research involves the use of a GIS-based net water balance technique which incorporates rainfall, soil properties, runoff, soil moisture, storage, and evapotranspiration to estimate recharge rates over the aquifer. Results show how seasonal- and long-term variations in agricultural demand and rainfall can significantly impact the recharge. The pumping and recharge rates are incorporated into a regional groundwater model of the Chicot aquifer to simulate the groundwater flow over an 11 year period. Comparison of simulated and observed water levels at multiple locations shows how the use of the GIS-based estimates improves our ability to capture the spatial and seasonal- and long-term variability in the groundwater dynamics. Finally, the model is used to project the impact of several alternative scenarios on groundwater levels over the next ten years

    EFL students’ readiness to have online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic among undergraduate students

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    This study aimed to analyze the readiness levels of EFL students of the even semester of the English Education Study Program of Sultan Agung Islamic University to have online learning. This research was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The method used was a survey method. The data were collected through a closed-ended questionnaire. Ninety-seven English Education Study Program students in the academic year 2021/2022 participated in this research. It was found that computer and internet literacy had a mean of 25.53, which was moderate. While self-directed learning was at a low level with a mean of 24.74, and motivation of learning was also at a low level with a mean of 24.41. It means that the students could use computers, laptops, and smartphones to complete course assessment tasks and facilities available on campus. It reported that students could not manage difficulty to present high performance on online learning to work independently. Besides computer and internet literacy and self-directed learning, motivation to learn was another factor that affected students' readiness. It found that during Covid-19, many students did not have high motivation to learn


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    The aim of this research was to determine the lest temperature and durations of thawing athigh altitudes in frozen semen of Brahman bull. This research conducted in 8-27 March 2014. Thisresearch was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3x3 factorial. The firstfactorial is temperature (34oC, 37oC, and 40oC) and second factorial is thawing durations with 3replications. Variables were deserved in this researchs the percentage of alive sperm and spermmotility. Research data was analyzed by Anova and Duncan test at 5%.The result showed that the temperatures and thawing durations influence the quality ofBrahman bull frozen semen, but has no interaction between them. Of this this research, the bestquality of spermatozoa obtained at 40oC and the 20 second duration of thawing has the highest qualityaverage among the other treatments. Motility of spermatozoa at 40oC is 33,89% and thawing durationat 20 second is 35,56%, the percentage of alive sperm at 40oC is 37,04% and the duration of thawingat 20 second is 35,43%

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Keputusan Penerimaan Siswa Baru MTsN 9 Jombang Dengan Metode Topsis

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    This research was conducted to build a system.that facilitates the teacher and the student to registrants. The purpose  of this research.  is to design a new student decision support system which is based on the website to facilitate the acceptance of new students to be faster, efficient and effective and also obtain rapid results. In this research researchers use the method TOPSIS (Tecchnique For order preference by similarity to ideal solution). The TOPSIS is method provides  ideal solution for the selection of alternatives with several criteria the TOPSIS method is also widely use to  resolve  problem  on decision making practically  completion of Multicriteria decision making, in the TOPSIS method there is a calculation of the distance between the ideal positive solution and the ideal negative solution so that it is increasingly supportive to get the calculation with good results.The results. of the study are. obtain a degree of accuracy calculations of the hundred percent. Keywords: Decision support system, TOPSIS, screeningPenelitian ini dilakukan  guna membangun  sebuah sistem.yang membantu untuk memudahkan guru  dan pihak penyeleksi siswa.  Tujuan  dari  penelitian ini ialah dilakukan untuk  membangun sebuah  sistem pendukung keputusan penerimaan siswa baru di MTSN 9 Jombang yang berbasis  website  untuk memudahkan pihak penyeleksi penerimaan siswa baru di MTSN 9 Jombang agar lebih cepat, efesien dan efektif dan juga memperoleh hasil yang cepat.  Dalam penelitian peneliti memilih  metode TOPSIS (tecchnique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution).  Metode ini memberikan solusi ideal bagi pemilihan suatu alternatif dengan beberapa kriteria metode TOPSIS juga banyak digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam penyelesaian pengambilan keputusan dengan multikriteria, dalam metode TOPSIS terdapat perhitungan sebuah jarak antara solusi ideal positif dan ideal negatif sehingga semakin mendukung  mendapatkan perhitungan dengan.hasil  yang baik.Hasil.dari penelitian yakni memperoleh tingkat keakurasian daripada perhitungan.manual dan sistem sebesar 100% atau valid. Kata Kunci: Sistem Keputusan, TOPSIS, Penyeleksia


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    Rembesan mengakibatkan kerapuhan sebuah tanggul dan bisa menyebabkan tanggul gagal atau melebihi batas kemampuan tanggul. Dalam metode numerik, disebut BFC atau boundary fitted coordinate, yang dikembangkan untuk menentukan rempegan melalui tanggul dan atasan tambahan dalam rembesan untuk mengubah tingkatan air selama banjir. BFC mentransformasi sistem koordinasi fisik melalui sistem koordinat komputasi kurvilinear. Kisi yang digunakan dalam metode ini merepresentasikan batasan kompleks sistem secara akurat

    Analisis Optimalisasi Pengunaan Fixed Asset dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kinerja pada Badan Usaha X di Jombang

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    Asset merupakan elemen yang sangat penting bagi badan usaha, karena asset merupakan bagian dari kekayaan perusahaan. Tanpa adanya asset perusahaan tidak akan dapat beroperasi. Mengingat begitu pentingnya asset, maka badan usaha perlu memahami dengan baik bagaimana cara mengelola asset agar optimal. Pengoptimalan asset diperlukan agar badan usaha dapat meningkatkan kinerja. Dengan meningkatnya kinerja berarti income yang didapatkan semakin besar, memperkecil cost sehingga dapat mencapai profit yang maksimal. Salah satu persoalan yang mungkin dihadapi oleh para pelaku usaha adalah adanya penurunan kinerja. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya penurunan kinerja pada badan usaha yang khususnya bergerak dalam bidang dagang dan memiliki fixed asset yang cukup banyak adalah adanya unused capacity pada fixed asset yang dimiliki. Sehingga, mengakibatkan tingginya commited fixed cost yaitu biaya yang jumlahnya tetap walaupun kapasitasnya mengalami penurunan atau peningkatan. Adanya commited fixed cost ini mengakibatkan para pelaku usaha harus menanggung kerugian yang cukup signifikan. Kerugian tersebut merupakan kerugian yang tidak seharusnya ditanggung oleh para pelaku usaha apabila seluruh fixed assetnya digunakan secara optimal. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, para pelaku usaha harus menerapkan optimalisasi penggunaan fixed asset sebagai cara untuk membantu para pelaku usaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Secara sistematis, optimalisasi penggunaan fixed asset dapat meningkatkan kinerja badan usaha dengan cara meminimumkan unused capacity yang terdapat pada fixed assetnya. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha dengan berupaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan (revenue increase) dan mengurangi sumber daya tidak efisien (spending reduction). Revenue increase dapat dilakukan dengan memperluas wilayah pemasaran, menambah jenis barang yang dijual, dan menyewakan kendaraan yang dimiliki kepada pihak luar. Sedangkan spending reduction dapat dilakukan dengan menjual sebagian kendaraan yang dimiliki untuk menekan commited fixed cost


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    ANALISIS DAN PERANCANGAN DATA WAREHOUSE PADA PT. STORA ADHISWARA - Data Warehouse, Pembelian, Produksi, Penjualan, Persediaa

    Bleaching of crude palm oil (CPO) using adsorbent prepared from pyrolyzed cofee residues

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    The bleaching process in cooking oil production is very important. It helps cooking oil to have a better quality. During bleaching process, some impurities (such as : gums, dirt, Free Fatty Acid (FFA) and Oxidation products) are adsorbed by adsorbent. In this research, coffee residues were used as an adsorbent for the bleaching process of CPO. The objectives of this research were to study the effects of adsorbent concentration and adsorbent types in the bleaching process. Raw coffee residues were dried in an oven. The dried coffee residue were crushed and sieved to 1.0115 mm particle sizes. The coffee residue was prepared under two different treatments. In the first treatment, the residue were pyrolyzed then used as an adsorbent. In the second treatment, the residue was activated using phosphoric acid then pyrolyzed. In this bleaching process, 70 grams of CPO were agitated with adsorbent of different concentrations and heated for 150 minutes then analyzed. From the research, it can be recognized that the adsorbent made from coffee residues are able to reduce the FFA content, PV and colour of CPO. As the concentration of adsorbent increase, more colour, FFA and peroxides can be adsorbed. The highest percentage for removal was reached at 2,5 % adsorbent concentration. It was found that activated carbon has a better performance for reduction of colour in CPO, rather than char. Inversely, char was better for adsorption of FFA. Both type of adsorbents showed an almost equal performance for adsorption of P

    MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN (Tinjauan Teori dan Praktis)

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    Manajemen merupakan serangkaian proses kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi melalui pemanfaatan orang lain dalam mengelola sumber daya yang terdapat di dalamnya, termasuk didalamnya organisasi lembaga pendidikan. Atas dasar itu, manajemen pendidikan dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah kegiatan pengembangan pendidikan secara sistematis untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui pelaksanaan fungsi manajemen. Ruang lingkup manajemen pendidikan itu sendiri meliputi manajemen kurikulum, manajemen peserta didik, manajemen pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, manajemen sarana dan prasarana, manajemen keuangan, humas dan layanan khusus. Pada praktiknya, implementasi manajemen pendidikan ini dilaksanakan oleh seorang kepala sekolah selaku manager di satuan pendidikan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan yang dimulai dari kegiatan perencanaan sampai dengan kegiatan pengawasan untuk menilai kegiatan pendidikan yang telah dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Pada akhirnya, implementasi manajemen pendidikan ini diharapkan mampu sejalan dan mendukung tujuan pendidikan nasional yaitu mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi tumbuh menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warga Negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab